Year 2000 Problems Over; Year 2038? Year 2116? Year 2184?

The year 2000 went by without any problems but other year problems are threatening the computers again.
One problem is the Year 2038 Problem. It involves a programming language called C. The C programming language uses a different date format. Instead of using dd/mm/yy format, the date is expressed in a number which is how many seconds it is after 12 am on January 1, 1970, the beginning of time in the standard 4-byte format. So the value 919642718 is 919,642,718 seconds past 12 am on 1-1-1970, which is Sunday Feb 21,

1999 at 16:18:38 pacific time.
The C Language uses this format because it is very easy to calculate the amount of time between any two times (by subtraction).
Here is where the Year 2038 Problems comes in. A 4-byte integer has a maximum value of 2,147,483,648 which translates to January 19, 2038. On this day, any programs written in C will start to have problems with date calculations. Many programs are written in C because C was a very popular programming language before C++ came along with all the new objected-oriented-programming languages.

The Year 2038 problem will be a lot easier to fix than Y2K because a program written in 4-byte C can be easily recompiled using a compiler with 8-byte values. The date calculations is within a library so recompiling will be able to fix the problem.
Another year problem that IBM PC hardware may suffer from is the Year 2116 Problem. The starting date for a IBM PC is January 1, 1980. The date is written and read in increments by seconds in an unsigned 32-bit integer similar to UNIX time. The integer will overflow by 2116.
Windows NT uses 100 nanosec

onds as its increments with a 64-bit integer beginning on Jan 1, 1601. It will overflow in 2184.
Apple says on its website ( that Mac is alright until the year 29,940.

Apple's Website: OK until Year 29,940

Supreme Court Goes on the Web

The United States Supreme Court opened its website ( on April 17 of this year. The site is dedicated to making information available to the public, lawyers,

and the media through the internet so that everyone is able to get these information. Some of the information on the site are general information, news releases, rules, court's opinions

and orders, calendar and schedules, and decisions which will be posted on the day of the release.

United States Supreme Court's Website